In Ideaone, we can help you from analysis, planning, execution and result measurement. It is a true complete circle of IT task and development.
"Now, everyone can build website". Yes, there is no denying that everyone can build website without any coding knowledge thanks to latest web technology. However, if a website operated without internet marketing, it will not bring you any benefit at all. It is advisable to also think on the marketing side when considering starting an online business or getting online sales,.
If you have RM100, please spend at least RM70 in internet marketing, RM30 in design. Without sales, any business will fail. Therefore, in Ideaone, we balance up between design and marketing.
Note: we do not build website design independently; it has to be built together with internet marketing strategy.
Do not always compare prices between various web companies as it will not benefit your business. Focus on ROI. Make sure every cent that you spend is converted to sales. It is better if you pay RM200 and you get RM250 rather than you pay RM100, but you get nothing. Thus, always measure ROI.
In Ideaone, we are committed to helping you achieve your objectives through internet. Before you start any IT projects, always ask below question:
In Ideaone, we can help you build from nothing to anything. We listen to your idea carefully, then build it with our IT knowledge and experience. We are very confident that we can deliver the good result to you. We are 1 stop software solutions house that are capable to customize solutions to solve your problem. We are PROBLEM SOLVER.
We are capable to build any system from small scale to large scale of development. We can help you build professional website design that is suitable for local business demand especially in Malaysia market. The website that we build is a mobile responsive website where you can view nicely at the mobile platform.
Building or customizing Content Management System (CMS) is our expertise. We can build a very simple to use CMS just for your web solutions. As long as you know how to use Microsoft Word, I believe you will be able to handle your website updates easily.
We have full range of complete solutions for the ecommerce. A lot of conventional businesses slowly move to digital way and start selling online. This is the market trend. Seize this opportunity!
We believed that every company have their own working flow even they are from same business, same industry. There are no general solutions that suit for all kind of businesses. We are specialized in doing a lot of customized software for our client. We help them automate a lot of repeated task, reducing their operating cost and at the same time increasing their efficiency.
View Our WorksNo matter how good is your website, it is useless if you don't implement internet marketing. Internet marketing consist of all type of marketing method. There are different kinds of method for implementing internet marketing, that includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google Adward, Facebook Marketing, Instagram marketing, Chatting software marketing and others digital way of marketing. Please note that, not every method is suitable for all industry. We have to identify suitable method for different industry.
Thank you Ideaone for helping us establish another marketing arm in the internet world. Our sales increased by 14.7% for the first 6 months since our engagement with them. Now the sales figures are still increasing. Celine C (Eplug Marketing) Managing Director
Find out more information about our Web Design Services.
Please feel free to contact us at
603-9174 1151
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